by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Nov 1, 2014 | Media
(By Kim) 1. It doesn’t use a Content Management System (CMS) A CMS site simplifies design and updates to the level of low-level word processing. With a CMS you can regularly add new content, create new pages, new links, add images etc without bearing additional costs...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Aug 27, 2014 | Media, Women
(By Kim) Almost every phone user today has the ubiquitous green and white WhatsApp icon on his home screen. With millions of users worldwide, this instant messaging application offers numerous benefits to its users, and one of which is the Group Chat. Recently one of...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Aug 2, 2014 | Media
(By Kim) TD Canada Trust, a Canadian bank recently came out with a ‘Thank You’ video dedicated to its customers. As I post this, the video has crossed 4 million views on YouTube within 4 days of its launch. The video shows how an ATM machine gets converted...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Feb 6, 2014 | Christian Walk, Media
I have some exciting news to share with you: 1. The digital format of my book It’s Your Turn for a Beautiful Pregnancy is now available on Amazon for USD 2.99 only. You can CLICK HERE if you want to buy a copy and support us. If you are interested in buying a...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Jan 30, 2014 | Media
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your planning small doesn’t serve the...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Dec 17, 2013 | Media
This is how the Merriam Webster dictionary defines the word ‘REDEEM’ For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the...