by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Mar 13, 2012 | Christian Walk
Who is your God to you? Watch this phenomenal video, and I pray that it will minister to you according to your need. For your reference here is the transcript of it: Before I created the heavens and the earth, I wasWhen the earth and everything in it passes away, I...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Apr 29, 2011 | Christian Walk
Luke 13: 10 – 17 (The Bible) I had eyes, but could not see the sky. I could talk with people, but could not see much beyond their feet…I was abandoned by many as ‘a crippled woman’. For 18 long and peak years of my life, I walked with a double bent, a condition...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Mar 26, 2011 | Christian Walk
I see a number of two-wheelers moving across the highway. It reminds me that my life is a two-wheeler and God is its driver (rider). I have handed over the breaks, clutch and accelerator to Him. And since everything is under His control, I choose to ride pillion. He...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Mar 10, 2011 | Christian Walk
There’s no place like H-O-M-E. Isn’t it? Whether it’s a mere daylong withdrawal or days altogether; at the end of it, the only place that you want to be is your home! At times I wonder, what is it about our homes that make us longing to be back to it? Is it the sense...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Jan 28, 2011 | Christian Walk
Here are the lyrics of one of my favorite Gospel songs, “You’re my brother, you’re my sister” : (see video at the bottom) Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand Why we pull away from each other so easily, Even though we’re all walking the same road Yet...
by Pastor Kim D'Souza | Dec 31, 2010 | Christian Walk, Leadership
Have you ever seen a reed? It is basically a thin strip of cane or similar material (see picture) placed in the mouthpiece of various wind instruments like clarinets and saxophones. When a musician blows wind into the mouthpiece, the reed inside vibrates and produces...