by PH International | May 3, 2019 | Christian Walk
May 4, 2019 I believed, but why didn’t I see? By Pastor Derrick D’souza By Pastor Derrick D’souza I was just pondering over a ‘small’, but effective principle in the Word of God. Most of us know that we have to believe God’s Word to receive the...
by PH International | Apr 27, 2019 | Christian Walk
April 27, 2019 There is Much More for You.. By Pastor Derrick D’souza By Pastor Derrick D’souza It was about noon and the Samaritan woman walked to the well to get her empty water jar filled. And she did this day after day, week after week, months...
by PH International | Mar 14, 2019 | Christian Walk, Marriage, Women
March 14, 2019 5 Foundational Keys to a Thriving Marriage By Pastor Derrick D’souza By Pastor Derrick D’souza In this post, I want to share with you five things that God has taught me in my marriage that has helped me understand and enjoy this...
by PH International | Jan 22, 2019 | Christian Walk, Women
January 22, 2019 By Kim D’souza By Kim D’souza Jeremiah, our six year old is a very sweet and helpful boy. He does a commendable job of tidying the house when I ask him to. But sometimes when he is not in a mood to help, he smartly shoves...
by PH International | Jan 9, 2019 | Christian Walk
January 9, 2019 Portals are Opening: A Now Word for 2019! By Pastors Kim & Derrick D’souza By Pastors Kim & Derrick D’souza A Blessed New Year to all the members of the Pursue Him family. Even as you read this, we want you to know the good...