May 06, 2021

Exciting Announcement: Girls Book Audio launched!

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

Drumroll please!!! We are so happy to release the audio book Girl’s Here’s What You Never Knew…The audio book is out on all major platforms including and Google Playstore.

But if you sign up on our girls blog , you get a link to access the audio book for FREE!

“I dreaded to read aloud and people made fun of me”

Yes, this was Sheryl’s story, who is the narrator of this audiobook. Since childhood, she had this fear of reading out aloud. The handful of times she tried, the experience was unpleasant. She would stutter and stammer and people made fun of her saying her voice was nasal. This apart, she has no technical knowledge or expertise in recording and producing podcasts or books. So how did she do the audio version of the book? You must read her testimony. This will encourage you to dare and do what seems to be impossible. CLICK HERE

This will encourage you to dare and do what seems to be impossible.

Our Vision behind the book and Prophet Shyju’s Prophesy

What was the vision behind to write this book? What challenges we faced, and what God encounters we had? Alisha and I share all behind the scenes story with Sheryl in the latest episode of Pursue Him Podcast. GO HERE to listen!

Marriage Talks

Meanwhile recently Derrick and I had an opportunity to be on our dear friend Pastor Priji Varghese’s podcast where we talked about our marriage and shared tips and lessons from our lives. CLICK HERE to listen!

Join our team!

We sincerely hope you are blessed with our resources and are growing in the Lord. If you would like to serve and be a part of PHI’s digital team or if you want to be a part of the Soar Girls Ministry, write to us at [email protected] and we would love to connect with you further.

for guest writers. text will come here
About Pursue Him Blog

Welcome to the Pursue Him Blog, a weekly blog authored by us that will inspire and encourage you to be a God chaser.

On our blog we focus on 5 main catergories: Christian Walk, Leadership, Marriage, Media and Parenting. Not that we are experts in there areas, but we are running the race alongside you!

Articles on this blog are an overflow of our fellowship with the Holy Spirit and we encourage you to consider sharing these posts with your friends if you get blessed. Common now, dive in!