(By Kim)
I love clouds. They remind me of my life’s purpose.
As God created clouds for a purpose (Psalm 135:7), He created you and me for a purpose (Jeremiah 1:5).
Let’s be super-focused on what we have been called to. There’s a lot at stake and the children of God cannot afford to be complacent.
We are seated on high
I love clouds. They remind me of God’s grace.
We all know how clouds are formed. As the sun heats the ground, the air above it becomes lighter and begins to rise. This warm air then gets vaporised to form clouds.
Similarly once you and I were down in the dumps, burdened with sin and shame, but the ‘Son’ made us light by carrying the weight of our sins upon Himself. Not only that, God lifted us up in Christ so that we now are seated in the heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2:1-6).
Let’s remind ourselves that as children of God, we are in a position of authority. Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit would open our eyes to know who we are, and what we have in Christ.
Life giving rain
I love clouds. They remind me that my God is waiting on me.
Clouds are made of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. The droplets are so small and light that they can float in the air. We too like clouds need to lighten ourselves of all bitterness, offences and everything that hinders our walk with Jesus.
Clouds rain down life giving water on the dry land. Likewise you and I need to rain down the love and mercy of Jesus upon dry and barren hearts.
Let’s be One
When clouds get so full of water droplets that they can’t hold any more, the water falls back to the ground as rain!
You need many droplets to come together in order to translate into rain.
Similarly God is waiting on us to send His revival rain. That will happen when all our hearts are united in pursuit of Him and when as one Body of Christ we know who we are in Christ.
So the next time you look at the clouds, think of the above things – know who you are in Christ and get back to running your race!