(By Derrick)
Do you know what your destiny is? Well, let me show it to you from God’s viewpoint:
Your destiny is a nation, a great nation (wow, how awesome is that!). And through you all the people on the earth ( not just a few around you) will be blessed (Genesis 12: 2, 3).
Now this is what I called a ‘God-destiny’ or a ‘God-dream’ – something that really needs God to move in and take over every step of your life. One thing I love about the Bible is that it makes us big dreamers. In fact the Bible is full of dreamers who agreed to see what God was showing them and as they walked in faith, they saw those dreams becoming a reality.
Here are 5 things that you need to follow to reach your ‘God-dream’:
1. Renew your mind
‘God-dreams’ take birth not in your mind but in your spirit and out of your belly they bubble forth in the natural. That’s why it is important for you to renew your mind according to Gods word so you can receive his desires in your heart (Romans 12:1-2).
God promised Abram that his children will be countless, but Abram couldn’t believe this. Often when the Holy Spirit whispers a God-dream to you, your mind will tell you it is impossible. But God will imprint a picture so deep in your spirit that you won’t be able to let go of that dream.
In Genesis 15:5 we read that God took Abram outside and showed him a picture. He asked him to look up at the sky and count the stars. And then the Bible says Abram believed the Lord and he credited it to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6).
Is God showing you a picture? Does it seem impossible in the natural? You need to renew your mind by filling yourself with the Word of God. Secondly, be led by the spirit (Romans 8:14). Of course, you can only be led by the spirit, when you are walking in the spirit!
2. Be faithful in the little
Stop dreaming about God using your ministry globally, when your commitment and contribution to your local church is zero. Stop dreaming of playing a classical concerto of your own, when the guitar that you have is gathering dust in your home.
If we can’t be a good steward in the little things God has put us in charge of, how will we succeed in bigger things that we desire (Luke 16:10).
3. Knowledge is good
Knowledge and information is good but it is not enough! To fulfill a God destiny, you will not be able to survive with only knowledge. There are many believers who are so filled with knowledge from the Bible, books, teachings etc., but they are still struggling to reach their destiny. That’s because you need revelation knowledge and not just knowledge (John 6:63).. And that comes only when you sit at the feet of Jesus and fellowship with Him. God speaks to you as you fellowship with him daily in your prayer closet. (Matthew 4:4).
4. Your resources will come to you
Don’t worry about the opportunities or resources or how things will happen.
Trust God.
Look at David – He wasn’t even present for selection as Israel’s king (1 Samuel 16:10-11), but God asked Samuel the prophet to anoint him and not others. Then again, he didn’t run about trying to make this prophesy ‘happen’. While he was busy seeking the heart of God, the elders of Israel came running over to him asking him to be the king (2 Samuel 5:3).
When you get busy chasing Jesus, your resources will come chasing you! (Mathew 6:33)
5. Think big but…
..when you think big, count the cost! Your God-dream will cost you something. If you are dreaming about revival in your city, you need to spend more time seeking the heart of God rather than with your Whatsapp messages or Facebook statuses.
Be ready for discipline and correction from God and man. Set aside every distraction and run to win the prize.
Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable (1 Corinthians 9:25)
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