September 25, 2018

When all bowed down, these Levites stood up!!

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

Praise is a powerful weapon of a believer’s spiritual warfare. It simply means to lift Jesus up and magnify Him, and we do that by boasting in Him, singing, dancing, lifting hands etc. A praising life honours God. ( Psalm 50:23). Two things happen in praise – 1. We lift Jesus up 2. We pull down every other thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.

Praise is a choice that we got to make and it becomes an effective weapon of spiritual warfare when it is our lifestyle, else it is only noise. God wants us to be radical in our praise. Radical praise says I love and trust Jesus too much to bother about my circumstances or the people around me.

In this post, I want to bring to your notice two of my favourite radical praise moments from the Bible, and the key to live a lifestyle of praise.

When King David could not stop himself 

When King David brought the ark of covenant back to his city, he danced and praised half- naked before the Lord. He was not worried about his title, or who was looking at him. And it didn’t even matter to David, that no one else joined him.

Let your Praise be radical

I think he was able to do that in the public because he was used to praising God in the private. When the priests started marching with the Ark, and the music began playing, David could not stop himself. Praise was his lifestyle and that’s what overflowed!

When some Levites stood up

Another radical praise moment I like is from 2 Chronicles 20 where we read about king Jehoshaphat who is anxious because three armies are on their way to wage war against him. Alarmed, the king resolved to inquire of the Lord. He declares a fast and all the people gather to seek help from the Lord and God assures them of victory without fighting the battle!

The king then bows down and worships. And all people of Judah and Jerusalem fall down in worship. But here is what happens next: Some Levites from the Kohathites and Korahites stand up and start praising the Lord with an exceedingly loud noise. ( 2 Chronicles 20:19).

Can you picture that? While everyone was flat with their face on the ground, these group of radical praisers didn’t care about the bad news. They didn’t even bother to worry about what the king will think.

I believe their praise was a demonstration of their faith. The Kohathites were in charge of carrying and handling the holy things of the tabernacle (Numbers 3:28-31, 7:9). They were habituated with the presence and power of the King of kings and hence threats from any opposition king didn’t shake them, instead they bursted out in praise.

Key to radical praise

Radical praise makes you oblivious of the people around you because you are so conscious of pleasing Jesus. It doesn’t seek the company of the crowd, but it separates you from the crowd. Like David and the Levites you end up doing what people around you cannot do.

And the key to radical praise is our daily devotion!

As someone said: Habits can eat willpower for lunch.  Many Christians are good at dancing and praising at church, and they wonder why their praise is not routing out the enemy. But God wants radical praise to be our habit and not a Sunday to Sunday affair. That’s when the weapon of praise can pull down strongholds and bring breakthroughs.

Father, may radical praise be our lifestyle!

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