June 11,2024
Heaven Has Unlimited Supply & It’s Yours to Take!
By Pastor Kim D’souza
By Pastor Kim D’souza
Child of God, I got good news for you!
Your source of supply is heaven, where there are no limits.
When you look at things in the natural – like your bank balance or job, you will always find that the demand arising out of your needs is more and supply seems to be always limited. However, in the Kingdom that we belong to, the equation is completely opposite because here there is always an overflow.
How to tap into heaven’s unlimited supply
In heaven, there is never a lack. And the way you can tap into this supply is through faith.
When Jesus was surrounded by a hungry crowd of people who had nothing to eat, the disciples realised that the supply was very limited as they found one boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. But when this boy operated in faith and gave away his provision to Jesus, immediately, the people saw the unlimited supply of heaven manifest.
So you see, the supply was not limited; in fact, there were 12 baskets in excess, and the food stopped multiplying to avoid wastage.
Similarly, 2 Kings 4 speaks of a certain widow who cried out to Elisha due to lack of supply, as her creditor was coming to take her two sons to be his slaves. But Elisha gave her a demo of the unlimited supply.
When she obeyed the NOW Word of God coming through the prophet, her faith caused the unlimited supply to open. As many vessels as she and her sons could gather, they got filled with oil.
According to 2 Kings 4:6, the moment no jar was left, the oil stopped flowing. Yet, with what she received, she could pay off her debts and live on what was left.
Again, you see, the supply of heaven was unlimited. In fact the demand could not match up with it. Wow!
Luke 5:4-11 speaks of another incident when Peter had toiled all night to catch fish but got no success. The supply in the natural seemed limited. But Jesus asked Peter to launch into the deep and let his nets down. When Peter obeyed the Word, he caught a “great multitude” of fish. The unlimited supply of heaven manifested and had to stop only because the nets were breaking.
Tap into heaven’s unlimited supply
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Be strengthened in your faith as you read this
Know that:
1. Heaven has unlimited supply for your needs.
2. This unlimited supply is exceedingly greater than your demands.
3. You can get access to this unlimited supply through faith in doing what God is asking you to do.
Heaven has Unlimited Supply, & it’s yours to take!