Dear child,
I thought of writing a confidential note to you.
Some things are meant to be shared; and then there are SECRETS. Secrets are always between intimate friends. Secrets are consciously guarded from others’ ears. No one knows; rather no one needs to know!
If you know what I mean, I want you to keep three secrets between you and me…
GIVE. Give to bless others. Give cheerfully. Give when you have. Give when you lack. Give big. Give often. Give not to show favour but… Give secretly (Matthew 6:3-4).
PRAY. Pray my heart. Pray my word. Pray with tears. Pray without ceasing. Pray not to boast. Pray not for others’ ears but… Pray secretly (Matthew 6:6).
FAST. Fast with joy. Fast to honour me. Fast in humility. Fast to let go of your flesh. Fast to seek me. Fast with faith. Fast not to show off but… Fast secretly (Matthew 6:18).
Give. Fast. Pray.
And let’s keep it ONLY between you and me. I love when you do this. That shows that you do it for me, not for men to see. That shows that you seek my praise and not the praise of men.
And your reward will be in secret too. Ssssshhhhhh….