This Servant Helped Saul Reach His Destiny!

By Alisha Jose
We cannot walk alone on the path to our God destiny – that’s why God brings divine connections and friendships along the way to steer us ahead. In the process, God also humbles us and teaches us to work together in unity. In His kingdom titles don’t matter, but what matters is how willing we are to hear and obey God, even in situations that doesn’t make sense.
In this post, I want to highlight an unnamed hero of the Bible. I call him hero because its so easy to miss out his story, yet because of his selfless service, Saul was able to reach his God destiny. His story is mentioned in 1 Sam 9:2-25.
The unnamed hero here is Saul’s servant.
One day Saul’s father Kish happened to lose his donkeys. He then tells Saul to take one of his servants and go and search for them. So Saul and the servant leave home and go far and wide to search for the donkeys, yet they could not find them anywhere. They spend the whole day out – it was tiring and they didn’t have any food for them to spare at the end of the search. Finally, Saul says to his servant “Come, let’s go back, or my father will stop thinking about the donkeys and start worrying about us.” (1 Sam 9:5)
Good servant gives all his heart, even though he is unrecognized.
The persistent servant carries the master’s burdens
But the servant did not want to give up. He could have gone back with Saul and carried on with his household work. In any case, he would not lose any wage or salary whether or not his master found the donkeys. He could just go on about his life. But he says to Saul, Look, in this town there is a man of God; he is highly respected, and everything he says comes true. Let’s go there now. Perhaps he will tell us what way to take” (1 Sam 9:6) The servant took his responsibility seriously to the extent that he literally carried his master’s burden.
One who leads a man to the man of God
As we read earlier, the servant did not give up but he directed Saul to the man of God. He believed in the prophet of God because he tells Saul “everything he says comes true”. The servant had faith in the man of God, that means he had faith in the God of the man.
It will cost to serve
But Saul said it’s no use, they could not go, since they didn’t even have bread in their sacks to give the man of God as a gift. But here the servant steps in and offers his own silver coin to give. Wow! Not only was this servant loyal, committed and responsible but he was also willing to walk the extra mile by paying a price to help his master.
The servant’s right timing
Before Saul could meet prophet Samuel, God had already spoken to Samuel to anoint him as king over Israel, and Samuel also gives Saul the good news that his lost donkeys are found. It’s amazing how God used this unnamed servant to bring Saul close to his destiny.
The servant sent off
Finally, they have dinner together and the next day Samuel says to Saul, “Tell your servant to go on ahead of us. You stay with me for a bit. I have a word of God to give you.” (1 Sam 9:27).
The servant was sent off and his duty was over. He never got appreciated, nor is there a mention of him getting rewarded for his loyalty by Saul when he became king.
But the servant teaches us a valuable lesson – This is how we must serve God by leading people to their God destinies, without expecting praise or recognition from man, knowing that our praise comes from God. For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do (Heb 6:10).
This servant was truly a hero!
This is a guest article written by Alisha Jose. Alisha is a prophetic evangelist and a passionate Jesus lover. She also heads the media team of Pursue Him International.

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