October 28, 2020

Survive or Thrive. You Choose

By Pastor Derrick D’souza

    By Pastor Derrick D’souza

We live in the era of technology with our houses and offices filled with the latest gadgets. But have you ever thought: Every piece of technology you are using was thought about first in the mind of someone and created with much precision so as to give you the best usage experience? This is called design thinking.

Do you know that when God created us, He created us with utmost details? In fact He made us in His own image, just like Him. This is design thinking at its best!

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.” (Psalm 139:13-15)

In fact every invention in this world is ultimately a copying of the Master Creator. Take a look at your own body – No camera can capture with the precision of your eyes nor can any gadget store the amount of information your brain is capable of storing. Every organ, every cell has been created uniquely for each individual that nothing can replace it’s excellence.
Let’s renew our minds and do something!

Did God create you to merely survive?
Creators of any product want the best use of their product. So, why do you think God created you? Was it to merely survive? Was it to stumble through life somehow?


He created you because He wants you to experience the best life. The day and night, the sun, moon and stars, the seasons, the mountains and the valleys, nature and all its beings were all created for you that you may enjoy Him and His creation and bring glory to His name.

When you realise that you are not just flesh and blood, but that you are a spirit man with a soul living in a body, you will perceive and live life differently.

And now the whole creation will start responding to you!

The Bible says the whole creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). When Jesus walked the earth He was a Spirit man. He engaged with the winds, the trees, even physical things would multiply. There is a whole realm that you will not be able to access as long as you believe you are just a physical being.

This world has a way of dullening you to the true joys God has placed in your life. Don’t just wake up to pass through another day. When He formed you He saw you as experiencing life to the full and bringing praise and glory to His Name.

Decide today. I won’t take His creation for granted. I won’t take my life for granted. I am born to thrive and not merely survive.

What’s our part?
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” (John 15:1,4)

We were created to remain in Him. That’s the only way we can thrive and bear fruit. We aren’t called to live independent of our Creator. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. He created us in such a way that we have 24 hour access to Him. To remain in Him is to remain in His Word. And this is His promise to those who remain in Him – whatever you ask in the Name of Jesus, it will be given to you. (John 15:16)

So start locating the presence of God in your life today. God wants you to experience Him in a way you have never experienced Him before. Give thanks in all circumstances rather than waiting for a specific thing to happen in order to thank Him. Every answer you are seeking is inside of you, because the Spirit of God lives in you. You are the temple of God and His presence is in you.

It’s your time to thrive!

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Welcome to the Pursue Him Blog, a weekly blog authored by us that will inspire and encourage you to be a God chaser.

On our blog we focus on 5 main catergories: Christian Walk, Leadership, Marriage, Media and Parenting. Not that we are experts in there areas, but we are running the race alongside you!

Articles on this blog are an overflow of our fellowship with the Holy Spirit and we encourage you to consider sharing these posts with your friends if you get blessed. Common now, dive in!