(By Kim)
“Do not spare; put to death all…” God’s instructions to King Saul were pretty clear (1 Samuel 15:3).
But Saul chose to ‘spare’. He spared the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves and lambs and everything that seemed good in his eyes (1 Samuel 15:8).
What Saul chose to spare, snatched from him God’s purpose for his life.
God’s rules for surrender
God was not interested in ‘spares’ then, and He is not interested in ‘spares’ now. His rules for surrender are simple ~ when He says surrender, He means surrender it ALL. Because for God, surrender is either all or none. To surrender to Him is to obey Him. And to obey is better than sacrifice; to heed is better than the fat of rams (1 Samuel 15:22).
And His rules have not changed yet…
Are you walking in total surrender to Him? What is then this bleating of sheep and the lowing of cattle that can be heard? Is there ‘something’ you have ‘spared’? Something quietly cushioned in a corner of your heart that God is hinting you to surrender? A compromise or a weakness that you thought wouldn’t matter much in your walk with God? Something that looks subtle, but is still an idol? Something that is causing you to focus on man’s praise than God’s? Something that is keeping you from moving out of your comfort zone and do things for God?
Like Saul we are quick to give up everything that seems despised, weak and easy to let go. And outwardly it may all seem perfect – Your ministry may be flourishing. You may be winning the praises of men around you.
But, God is looking at your heart. He is more interested in not what you give, but what you are withholding from Him. His focus is not on what you do, but the heart behind why you do what you do.
And like Saul we then blame the situations – the soldiers did it or as it may be in our case – the husband caused it, the parents triggered it, the pastor did it, the church played it.
But what about you?
Is there something YOU are still withholding from God?
May be your pride? May be your dirty habit? May be that wrong relationship? May be that bitterness? May be that fear? May be that sinful hidden desire?
It’s time we dig deep and take an inventory of our hearts. It’s time we surrender. No more excuses. No further delay. No holds barred.
Again I say, unless it is ‘all’, God is not interested. He doesn’t need your crumbs. He doesn’t need your 95%. No, not even your 99.999%. He needs ALL of you. Because only when you give yourself fully to Him, can He demonstrate His glory fully through you.
So what’s stopping you?