February 6, 2018

Rise Up Creative Church!

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

Our Daddy God is the master Creator!

Can you beat this? The Bible first introduces God’s character as a ‘creative’ before anything else. In the first six days of this planet God created the heavens, the earth, light, evening, morning, sky, land, sea, vegetation, sun, moon, stars, animals, and man. All of this was thoroughly original, as the earth was “formless and empty” prior to God speaking these things into existence. All creation, including you, is an outstretched hand pointing to the magnificence and creative geniuses of God.


In the New Testament, look at Jesus, from age 12 to 30 years, He was a carpenter creatively involved in making utility products out of logs of wood.

The Bible says that as God’s children we have the mind of Christ. So as a church, and as His body, do we reflect His creativity in the things we do?

Be creative, for our GOD is creative!

There are 2 main reasons why we need to embrace creativity:

1.We are God’s ambassadors and we need to represent Him well.

2. Through creativity we get a chance to glorify God.

And there are two main barriers to creativity:

1. Allodoxaphobia or simply, the fear of other people’s opinions.

2. Laziness. (The desire of the lazy man kills him, for his hands refuse to labour. Proverbs 26:14 )

Rise Up Creative Church!

Church of God, here are three thoughts on creativity, I desire to put across to you:

1. You are what you say you are

As a church, we need to start thinking outside the box. The reason is clear: in order to reach a new generation,  we need to think like them, and not like ourselves.

I have heard many people believers say, “I am not creative”. And the Bible says, as a man thinketh in His heart, so is He. Why don’t you change your declaration? According to 1 Corinthians 2:16, you have free access to the revelations of His Spirit.

If you are a child of Jesus, you got to believe you are creative. Start thinking differently. Start declaring the right words and you will soon start moving in His creative power.

2. Creativity is not bound by limitations, it in fact thrives under limitations.

Church, don’t grumble about what you don’t have! Limitations are the perfect breeding ground for creativity to manifest. So don’t get bogged down by the boundaries around you. Example: look at the situation that the four friends carrying the paralytic were in! They could have easily given up, but under their limitations they used a unique way to reach him to Jesus. Creatives don’t worry about criticisms. They don’t even wait for the ‘right resources’ to get started. They do what God tells them to do, and the provision follows.

3. Creativity cannot be the foundation of a church

Though the churches ought to display creativity, the foundation of a church cannot be built on any other – except Jesus.For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work (1 Corinthians 3:11-13).

Beware church, creativity cannot replace God’s presence, it has to be an overflow of your fellowship with God. It has to begin with God, And it has to end with the glory of God!

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