July 11,2022

Your God is Too Faithful to Fail You (Powerful Audio-Video)

By Pastor Kim D’souza

By Pastor Kim D’souza

Last year my dad went to be with the Lord. As he lay in an unconscious state on the hospital bed for weeks together, God was teaching me about His faithfulness and how experiences around me don’t define it. I believe this season is forever etched in my faith journey with my God. One particular song that became my repeat mode-companion then was: Mention of Your Name by Jenn Johnson (Bethel Music), especially the words, “You are my strength, You are my anchor, And You never fail”

It was during this time God was led me to do something that I have never done before and start SOAR GIRLS TAKE OFF, bi-monthly zoom meets exclusively for girls so He could unveil His heart to his daughters like never before. (If you are not a part of it yet, I want to invite you to come and taste my God. For details go here: soargirls.com/takeoff or check out our Youtube Channel HERE )

At this time I also began compiling scriptures on God’s faithfulness, and the result is this audio-video!

25 powerful Confessions

Each of the scripture here is personally handpicked by the Holy Spirit for you over months, and not a result of Google Search.

I pray that this 9+ min video/audio will stir up your faith and remind you that your God is too faithful to fail you! Keep hearing it often, and on-the-go till these promises become a part of you.

Forever amazed at His Faithful grip.

Make these confession a part of your life.

for guest writers. text will come here
About Pursue Him Blog Welcome to the Pursue Him Blog, a weekly blog authored by us that will inspire and encourage you to be a God chaser. On our blog we focus on 5 main catergories: Christian Walk, Leadership, Marriage, Media and Parenting. Not that we are experts in there areas, but we are running the race alongside you! Articles on this blog are an overflow of our fellowship with the Holy Spirit and we encourage you to consider sharing these posts with your friends if you get blessed. Common now, dive in!