(By Kim)

This is post no 5 in our series ‘Seeking the Heart of God For Your Finances’. If you have any questions on this topic, please feel free to mail it to us at: [email protected]

Tithing is a subject that sadly has stirred up a hornet’s nest in the Christian world. Whether tithing is relevant in the new covenant? Does tithe mean only 10% or more? Where should my tithe go to? …the questions are many.


In this post I wish to address the heart behind ‘tithing’ more than the technicalities. So here you go…

Follow or get into trouble 

Tithe basically means one-tenth. According to the old covenant laws of God, the Israelites were required to give tithe of their produce (grain, wine and oil) to the Levites, towards temple work, to the poor etc, every year or every three years. The rule for tithing was simple in the old covenant: Follow the law or get into trouble (Malachi 3:6-12).

Now we know that – With Jesus, we are no longer under law but under grace. He has taken all our curses upon Him and we no longer have to follow a certain set of rules in order to attain God’s blessing. All we got to do is to believe and remain in Him and automatically we come under the blessings of God!

While old covenant was all about doing, in the new covenant, Jesus taught us to look at the heart of the matter.

Sadly when it comes to tithing we are still bound by our traditional or religious thinking. And we make the word of God of no effect because of it (Mark 7:13).

Why do you tithe?

Ask any believer: Why do you worship God?
You will hear many say: Because I love Him

Ask any believer: Why do you go to church?
You will hear many say: Because I love Him

Ask any believer: Why do you tithe?
And bang the reply will be: Because it’s a command or I have to!

The other day I heard a young man testify: We should tithe. If we don’t, I have seen that money gets lost someway or the other – either you end up paying a hospital bill or you suffer a financial loss!

The matter of fact is, there are only two reasons why people tithe –

If I don’t tithe, I will be cursed.


I tithe because I want to be blessed

In the former case you are operating in fear, while in the latter in manipulation.1 John 4:18 says: There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fears, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love

You and I don’t serve a tyrant God who is waiting with a stick to lash us every time we miss putting in our tithes!

Neither do you and I can earn God’s blessing because of what we give to Him! He blesses us because He is good, and that’s His nature!

It’s heart breaking to see many Christian leaders, especially using media broadcasts to put pressure on people to give to their ministries directly and indirectly because of above two reasons.

So here’s the big deal:

In the New Covenant, God doesn’t want you to operate out of an obligation, but out of love. If you decide to not give even a single penny to God in tithe, it will not change God’s love for you. Because the Bible says that nothing can separate you from God’s love – neither life, nor death, nor angels, nor demons, not even your tithes!

Having said that when you give to God, you honour God with your money and there is always a blessing when you choose to honour God.

But give not because you have to, but because you love to!

So this is the father’s expectation of you…

The Bible says, He LOVES cheerful givers. ( 2 Corinthians 9:7). In other words, He takes pride in those who reflect Him and His nature. God wants us to give out of love and joy, and give because we love Him. So let’s dig deep into our hearts and see what its intent and content is when it comes to giving our tithes.

How much to give?

Still stuck with 10%? Still stuck with monthly giving?

Well, that’s what happens when you give under an obligation – your giving becomes a rule or burden!

But when you give out of love,  your giving becomes a privilege!! And remember, there are no limits in love. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

Our benchmark of giving in the New Covenant has to be not 10% or 20% or 50% or monthly but it has to be ‘Jesus’.

And how did Jesus give?

Selflessly and unconditionally. So there you get your answers!!

Stay tuned for the next post on ‘Giving’in the series…