June 30,2022

5 Ways to Safeguard Your Children From Metaverse

5 Ways to Safeguard Your Children From Metaverse

By Pastor Kim D’souza

By Pastor Kim D’souza

In our previous post we shared how in 3 ways Metaverse can attack our youth and children. Don’t miss reading it Here

In this post we will look at 5 ways parents can safeguard their children from the hijack of Metaverse.


1. “Make” Jesus Attractive to Your Children through Your Life

No artificial intelligence can match up to the spiritually intelligent! Do you know supernatural God-beings really exist in today’s world?

Oh yes, I am talking about you!

Your spirit is sealed with the Spirit of Jesus. One third of you is inimitable.

The Kingdom of God will become attractive to our children when it has consumed our attention; and when we as parents begin manifesting as sons of God, walking in His power.

Tell me, can any distraction or technology match with the lame walking, blind seeing, demons fleeing or the dead rising? (This is not to condemn anyone, but for us to open your eyes and behold the life that Jesus died for vis-à-vis what we have settled living for!)

We need to show our children through our lives that walking with Jesus is the best choice that they could opt for.

2. Keep reiterating who they are

Stress their identity as a child of God so loud, clear and repeated in your children’s ears that they will hold on it no matter what.

Show them who they are through the eyes of God (Romans 8:15, Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 2:9, Psalm 139:13-14) and that His love is beyond every comparison, and His acceptance is unconditional.

Remind them that their identity is based on Christ and not on what the world says about them. Show them through examples in the Bible and from Jesus’ life itself how rejection from world is not uncommon and they don’t have to soak up the expectations of the world. Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life. (Proverbs 22:6 TPT)

3. Become Your Child’s Right Source of Information

Become the right source of information for your children rather than leaving it for the outside world or internet to teach things to them.

Be cautious around new technologies and exercise your best parental judgment. Talk with your kids about what they might have heard about virtual reality and the Metaverse. Open lines of communication are the best way to keep our children and youth out of the influence of dangerous addictions. Train them to openly share with you whatever they are learning in the outside world, so that you can guide them correctly. Seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit to establish basic parental controls and safety measures.

Remind them that their identity is based on Christ and not on what the world says about them.

5 Ways to Safeguard Your Children From Metaverse

4. Make your children sharp shooters

The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).

Seek God for the calling on your child’s life and make them sharp shooters. It is never too late to seek God to identify and recognize the call on your child’s life, and the vision that he needs to pursue.

What are the prophesies over their lives? Keep declaring it over them. Don’t underestimate your children and the dunamis they carry.

As your child grows, it is important to continue aligning your prayers with God’s view of their identity and destiny – whether or not your child appears to be living that out or even headed in that direction. When we start valuing and celebrating what God spoke over them, divine strategies to get there will start downloading to you. God will give you the path they need to follow, specific prayers to make and also the ways to cut off all that hinders their way.

5. Be aware and stay ahead!

We, as parents cannot be simply praying and asking God to protect our children, and yet choose to remain ignorant of the schemes that the enemy is devising. You can’t look at news and say: “Oh, that’s happening in the western world, not in my country.” Remember what happens in the advanced societies, it’s only a matter of time before that starts infesting others.

You are sent among wolves, therefore be shrewd like a serpent (Matthew 10:16)

“But I am not technology savvy,” you may say. But that is not an excuse -It’s the question of your child! At least one parent should be aware of what is happening across the globe and understand it from an end-time Biblical perspective, else you and your children will be sitting ducks for the enemy.

According to the perpetrators of Metaverse, metaverse is not going to get built by one company, as such, but it will require many companies with millions of creators and entrepreneurs.

So what’s stopping us parents to come together and pray and declare God’s will over our coming generations? The Bible says one of us can chase a thousand and two ten thousand!

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