January,24 2024

The Power Of Faith To Rise Above Every Limitation

By Pastor Kim D’souza

By Pastor Kim D’souza

During a recent time of my fellowship with the Holy Spirit, I was reminded of Isaiah 55:8, which says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts…”

I asked the Holy Spirit, “What you mean by that?” And I heard the Lord say, “Your limits are not My limits.”

Child of God, God is saying to you today: Your limits are not My limits.

Remember, without faith, it is impossible to please God. And when we talk about faith, we are going to talk about crazy things because there’s no limit to what God can do. God is looking at somebody, who irrespective of their past background or limitations, can stand on His Word and say “I believe it is possible!”


The radical faith of a Hebrew girl

We know the story of a young Hebrew girl who was kidnapped and made a servant in the house of Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5).

She had every reason to be bitter. Imagine, she was free, enjoying her life, and suddenly she was turned into a slave. If we were in her place, we would probably have rolled in self-pity or become bitter, thinking, “Why did this happen to me?” Yet this girl’s attitude was so different; she was a problem solver. That’s how people of faith are. They are problem solvers.

When she saw that her master had leprosy, she didn’t celebrate and take it as revenge. Her focus was not on herself. This girl was filled with faith, and she had a solution for her master’s problem.

“She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:3

Taking limits off God

**This little girl had faith that the Prophet in Israel held the key to Naaman’s healing. However in Luke 4:27, Jesus says, “And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.”

If there was no record of lepers being healed by the prophet, how could this little girl say that Namaan would be healed? It shows that this girl had crazy faith. She had taken the limits off God.

She even knew the location of the prophet!

**In those days, prophets were not permanently found in one place. They were in different locations, moving fast. Some even racing chariots! But this girl, without any mobile, GPRS or any modern means of communication, even knew the location of the prophet!

Look at the accuracy with which she was speaking – “The Prophet who is in Samaria”.

And this is my personal revelation: Even if the prophet was not in Samaria, because of her statement of faith, God would have made sure that the prophet was in Samaria.

That’s your God! He moves by faith.

Child of God, whatever season of life you may be in, I want to encourage you not to limit God with your thoughts and words, because our limits are not His limits. Our only limit has to be the Word of God.

Taking limits off God


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