February 25,2024

God’s Great Army

By Pastor Kim D’souza

By Pastor Kim D’souza

For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God. 1 Chronicles 12:22 (NKJV)

This scripture is one of my favorite declarations. It talks about something amazing that happened with David when he became the king of Israel. Day by day men came on their own to David, wanting to help him and to be a part of his team. This kept happening until he had a ‘great’ army. And, this army was like the army of God!

Child of God, this is your portion. When you hold onto the vision God gives you and walk by faith, favor will come chasing you to make you great – almost like God!

Recently, the Holy Spirit gave me a renewed understanding of this verse. Until then, as I was confessing this verse, I would always imagine a supernatural increase in the number of people coming to be part of our vision, until the Holy Spirit said, “It is not about the numbers, but a handful who really believe in Me.”



God is not interested in numbers as much as faith

The Bible is filling with examples of this. When we look at the Israelites, we see there were about 6 million people who crossed over from Egypt. But, out of these, only Joshua and Caleb, believed that God would do what He promised.

Another instance – When we look at the life of Gideon, he was fighting against a great army and started with 32,000 men from Israel. But God said to send home all who are fearful and afraid. In an instant, the army was reduced to less than half, and God was still not convinced. He said to take the remaining men to the water and choose those who lapped the water like a dog, finally bringing the total to 300.

God’s great army is not an army that is great in numbers, but an army that is great in faith. If He can find one man or woman who is convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises, He can bring a nation out of them!

We are in the end times and God is raising a great army. He wants you to be a part of His army. Your qualifications or skills are not criteria for Him to choose you. But God is saying, “Will I find faith?”

A people filled with faith will be His great army!



A people filled with faith will be His great army!


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