October 24,2024

Yes God is good, BUT

By Pastor Kim D’souza

By Pastor Kim D’souza

If there is one unshakable foundation that our life has to be based on, it is this: God is good. The coming of the Lord is very near and if this truth is not established in your life, you will fall like a pack of cards blaming the very One who was on your side all along.

God is good, all the time – We say it. We repeat it. Yet in our hearts, are we fully convinced?

Today morning I was in tears when I heard the Holy Sprit say, “You know Kim, it is more difficult for the Christians to believe that I am good.”


Is it because we know too much?

Is it because we have been in the church for too long?

Is it because we are too familiar with the Scriptures?

It is easy to agree mentally that God is good, yet when we find ourselves standing exposed to sudden storms in life, we reason,

Yes I know God is good, yet why this?

Yes I trust Him, but why did He allow this?

Yes God is there, but He could have saved this situation .

But Prophet Habakkuk’s language was different. His words were a hymn of faith. He said Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:7,18

Let me tell you this: you are God’s best. He chose you to live an incredible adventure. Whether in public or in private, you are called to experience His fullness and joy. The best way to do that is by focusing on your own journey and what God has called you to do.

Though the world and everything around me may fail, yet Jesus is the author of good and ONLY good comes from Him.

Job, at one point in his life suffered the loss of all his possessions and children.

In the Bible, there was one more person who suffered in almost a similar manner – lost the same number of children, lost the same amount of possessions.

That was Job’s wife.

When a situation arose that was beyond their understanding and control, both their verbal responses were an overflow of the belief of their heart . While Job said, “Blessed be His name”, his wife said “Curse God and die.”

God is good. Let’s not blame Him for our failures. Let’s not doubt His goodness in the light of bad experiences around us. Instead let’s know Him better. Let’s understand His ways better. Let’s hear His heart better.



Jesus is the author of good and ONLY good comes from Him.


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