April 20, 2020

Don’t Miss Your Moment of Encounter

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

There was a banquet hosted by the bridegroom, and invitations were sent. The ten virgins were an excited lot. After all they were going to be a part of the most happening event in the town. However, when that moment of celebration came, only 5 could get in!

Last week Derrick and I were travelling by road to meet a family in a nearby area. However, soon we realised our car was running short of fuel. There were serpentine queues at the petrol pump due to the lockdown restrictions, and at the end of it we could not get fuel to proceed on our journey. I could relate so much to the 5 foolish virgins who ran short of oil in their lamps and missed their moment of encounter.

Church, this season, God is drawing His bride (you) for an encounter. In fact, he hosts a banquet for us every single day, every single moment. He is a lavish host and what we receive in His presence will satisfy our body, soul and spirit. 

I tell you this lockdown is the perfect setup for God encounters!  

Jesus said: No one can serve two masters.

Sadly, many will miss it.

Here’s why.

Desire is good. It will make you do something. Like it did with the 10 virgins – they moved out of their houses, out of their comfort zones, at a time when it was becoming dark. But desire alone will not get you to your moment of encounter. 

Desire may open the door for determination. When the bridegroom took a really long time in coming, all the 10 virgins were determined enough to stay back, even though they were tired and exhausted. But then determination also was not enough to gain the bridegroom’s access.

No one can serve two masters

What differentiated the 5 wise virgins from the 5 foolish ones was DEVOTION. I feel it was more of a question the heart than the head. The hearts of the 5 wise virgins were beating for this moment.

They were so lost in it, rehearsing it over and over in their minds all the time. “Which road will he take?” “What will we speak to him when we meet?” “What if there is a delay in his coming?”

You see, that’s what devotion does – devotion makes you strategic and intentional.

Devotion makes you joyfully willing to pay a cost, and shoulder an extra weight in your pursuit. The wise virgins didn’t mind paying a price to buy some extra oil (that was not even required at that point in time).

Where there is devotion you will be willing to pay the price, where there is no devotion, you will only have excuses!

You see what you are devoted to consumes your time, thoughts and becomes your God!  That’s why Jesus said – No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one, and love the other. You will be devoted to the one and despise the other (Matt 6:24).

Many Christians have great desires for things of God, some are even dedicated – but God is looking to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully devoted to him (2 Chron 16:9).

Church, let us get back on track, before its too late! This season let’s move beyond desire and determination and touch God’s heart by our devotion to Him. And as we do that, God encounters like never before await us!

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