When I Saw That Beautiful Car!

When I Saw That Beautiful Car!

(By Derrick) A couple of days ago I happened to be on the street and all of a sudden a high end car (Ferrari or Corvette) passed me by. It almost looked like a space car on wheels! Since I was heading in the same direction, I could not help but observe the candid...

Why I Love Clouds

Why I Love Clouds

(By Kim) I love clouds. They remind me of my life's purpose. As God created clouds for a purpose (Psalm 135:7), He created you and me for a purpose (Jeremiah 1:5). Let's be super-focused on what we have been called to. There's a lot at stake and the children of God...

My Testimony of Supernatural Pregnancy & Child Birth!

My Testimony of Supernatural Pregnancy & Child Birth!

Hello readers, don't miss reading this beautiful testimony of supernatural pregnancy and childbirth as shared our dear friend Sasha Singh from Bengaluru. Let this encourage you to believe what the Word of God says: With Him all things are possible!  My journey of...

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Christian Walk
Seeking God’s Heart For Your Finances

Seeking God’s Heart For Your Finances

(By Derrick) Hello readers! We are excited to do this short series over the next few weeks on the topic 'Seeking the Heart of God For Your Finances'. The purpose of this series is not to figure out how we can grow rich, but more importantly it's about understanding...

Watch Out Church, Outsiders are Coming!

Watch Out Church, Outsiders are Coming!

(By Kim) "I want to see Jesus." - was his only desire. And his entire life changed for eternity that day! I am talking about Zacchaeus - a misfit, traitor and outsider (Luke 19). He was the chief of tax collectors and so was ferociously hated by the Jews in Jesus'...

5 Lessons from Paul in the Shipwreck!

5 Lessons from Paul in the Shipwreck!

Acts 27 is a rollercoaster narration of Paul's ship journey to Rome, where he was to be tried under Caesar. As a prisoner for the sake of gospel, Paul was handed over to Julius, the Centurion and together with other prisoners, they began sailing. Here are 5 lessons we...


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About Pursue Him Blog Welcome to the Pursue Him Blog, a weekly blog authored by us that will inspire and encourage you to be a God chaser.

On our blog we focus on 5 main categories: Christian Walk, Leadership, Marriage, Media and Parenting. Not that we are experts in there areas, but we are running the race alongside you!

Articles on this blog are an overflow of our fellowship with the Holy Spirit and we encourage you to consider sharing these posts with your friends if you get blessed. Common now, dive in!