September 4, 2019

Are you Listening to your Coach?

By Pastor Derrick D’souza

    By Pastor Derrick D’souza

Indian media is flooded with stories of P V Sindhu, as she recently became the first Indian shuttler to win a gold at the Badminton World Championship. Kudos to her! Well, we also know that behind every successful sportsperson is a dedicated coach. The coach doesn’t actually play on the field or court, but he is the one who understands the strengths and weaknesses of the athlete and pushes him/her to do what he/she never thought could ever achieve. The coach may bring you to the medals and glory, but in order for that to happen, the athlete needs to submit to his leading and guidance.
As born-again believers, God also promises us a counselor-cum-coach, the promised Holy Spirit! (John 14:16-17) Your coach has a game plan and knows your strengths and weakness. His only agenda is to help you win and so you and I need to seek advice from Him all the time.
Coach knows best!

One of the most important aspects of a coach is that he brings discipline. However, the coach cannot force a person who does not show up for training, does not practise and does not want to change his old habits.

A person who wants to win in a sport and does not have discipline is day dreaming.

I’ll say it again — The coach brings discipline.

Now think about the many Christians who claim they love Jesus but will not submit to the voice of the indwelling Spirit. They live in-disciplined lives. So much of what we proclaim as hunger today in the body of Christ is just self-centeredness and selfishness. People run to all types of meetings, conferences to get a word, a double portion of anointing from God. They want change in their lives but will not surrender to the coach whom God has placed inside of them to lead them every step of the way.

If you feel you are stuck in the same problem or on the same road, there is good chance you have not submitted to the coaching of the Holy Spirit and are not ready to break the patterns of habits developed in your un-renewed mind.

Overcoming should be our lifestyle.

Because God has given us a New spirit + His Holy Spirit + His Grace (knowledge of God) = That should make us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

So, get ready and make a decision today that no matter how much your body cries out for an excuse we will beat it and make it submit to the knowledge of God and start living the life God wants us to live by following the coach.

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