Dear Young Leader,

We love the passion that you have for Jesus. At your age, when others are busy sowing into their flesh, we admire your desire to seek Him above everything else.


The more you allow His grace to work in your life, the more you will realise that age is not a limitation for God to use you in the area of leadership.

This world is in desperate need of leaders who have the vision of God etched upon their hearts. And the earlier you start, the better it is.

As a young leader, you may struggle with your insecurities and inferiorities. But remember what Paul told Timothy?

Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young. (1 Timothy 4:12).

That means people do have a tendency to look down upon the young. But that also means you have the power to dissuade them from doing so. Remember your respect is in your hands. If people don’t look up to you as a leader – You are responsible for it.

And Paul gave an easy solution for that and trust us, it will work well.

Set an example. Simple.

Set an example…in the way you speak, live, in love, in faith in purity.

And you do that by walking the talk. That’s how you will earn respect, and not worry about demanding respect.

So go ahead, claim to know Christ, but let your actions do not deny what you claim (Titus 1:16).

The more you obey God, the more favour and influence you will command. You make the gospel attractive to those under you when you follow His Word (Titus 2:10).

We love you and will always be there to back you!

In Christ
Derrick & Kim